Title: My P.S Partner
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Rating: 5.0/10
Opening: 6 December 2013 (South Korea)
Director: Byun Sung-hyun
Writer: Byun Sung-yun, Kim Min-soo
Stars: Seong Ji, Ah-jung Kim, So-Yul Shin
Time: 114 minutes
Yoon-Jung accidentally calls a stranger, instead of her boyfriend, and has phone sex with the unknown man. When her relationship with boyfriend turns sour, she meets Hyun-Seung, and falls in love with him, but finds out he is that stranger.
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Rating: 5.0/10
Opening: 6 December 2013 (South Korea)
Director: Byun Sung-hyun
Writer: Byun Sung-yun, Kim Min-soo
Stars: Seong Ji, Ah-jung Kim, So-Yul Shin
Time: 114 minutes
Yoon-Jung accidentally calls a stranger, instead of her boyfriend, and has phone sex with the unknown man. When her relationship with boyfriend turns sour, she meets Hyun-Seung, and falls in love with him, but finds out he is that stranger.
My P.S Partner Official Trailer:
My P.S Partner Poster: