Title: An Ethics Lesson
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Release Date: February 21, 2013 (South Korea)
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Director: Park Myung-rang
Writer: Park Myung-rang
Stars: Lee Je-hoon, Cho Jin-woong, Kim Tae-hoon, Kwak Do-won, Moon So-ri
Running Time: 110 minutes
A beautiful college girl is murdered. Upon her death, the men in her life become aware of each others' existence. A wire-tapping neighbor, a loan shark, her adulterous lover, and her righteous ex reveal their true nature, dragging all of them further down to the ruthless abyss.
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Release Date: February 21, 2013 (South Korea)
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Director: Park Myung-rang
Writer: Park Myung-rang
Stars: Lee Je-hoon, Cho Jin-woong, Kim Tae-hoon, Kwak Do-won, Moon So-ri
Running Time: 110 minutes
A beautiful college girl is murdered. Upon her death, the men in her life become aware of each others' existence. A wire-tapping neighbor, a loan shark, her adulterous lover, and her righteous ex reveal their true nature, dragging all of them further down to the ruthless abyss.
An Ethics Lesson Official Trailer:
An Ethics Lesson Poster: